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Mr. Bhandari is a second generation Coffee Grower in Karnataka State of India for more than 50 years. Educated in Madras University. Mr. Bhandari joined the Managing Committee of Karnataka Planters & Association in 1979 and served the Indian Plantation Industry in various capacities ever since.
He has been the Chairman of the State Planters Association in 1989-90 and subsequently after serving more than 13 years on the Managing Committee of the United Planters Association, the apex multi-Plantation Commodity Organization for Southern India, he was its President in 2004-2005.
Mr. Bhandari also was nominated to the Coffee Board of India for multiple 3 years terms by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. He was the initiator of India Coffee Trust and is President of the India Coffee Trust, a non- profit multi stake holder Coffee Body dedicated to serving the India Coffee Industry, an industry body committed to promoting the Coffee industry in India. He was instrumental in conceptualizing India International Coffee Festival which has emerged as an authoritative and prominent platform for the Indian Coffee Sector since 2002.
Mr. Bhandari is the Chairman of Steering Committee of the 5th World Coffee Conference 2020 and is the Chairman of the Private Sector Consultative Board of International Coffee Organization.
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