Conferencista 6

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Amb Solomon Sabiti Rutega, 53, a Uganda national, is currently the Secretary General of the Inter-African Coffee Organisation (IACO), an inter-governmental organisation based in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (West Africa.). Prior to his assumption of duty in May 2021, Amb.Rutega served as the Head of Mission/ Consul General of the Consulate General of the Republic of Uganda in Guangzhou, and was in charge of Uganda’s trade and commercial diplomatic activities in Southern China.

He has been an active participant in the coffee sector for the past 29 years and has been involved in many initiatives in the coffee industry that have had national, regional and international impact. In his career, he has played key roles in the establishment of projects to support the African coffee industry, with the vision to benefit coffee producers and exporters in creating market access, global brand awareness and improvement of quality and quantity of African coffees.

He has also had a distinguished career as Uganda’s Coffee Promotion Coordinator in the Asia pacific region and commercial diplomat in the areas of tourism, trade and investment promotion. He is a graduate of a Bachelor’s degree (Honors) in Social Sciences (Northeastern University, USA), Masters of Public Policy (Harvard University, USA) and an Executive Masters of Business Administration (Melbourne Business School, Australia).

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