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Juan Esteban Orduz is the President of Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc., the subsidiary in North America of the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia (FNC). In 2003, Mr. Orduz joined the FNC, a non-profit association that represents more than 540,000 Colombian coffee growing families both domestically and internationally in trade, promotion, economic development policy and government relations matters, after ending a year as fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University (2002-2003).
Mr. Orduz has a vast international experience in the public and private sectors; as Minister Plenipotentiary and Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Colombia to the United States in Washington, D.C. (1998-2002), he played a leadership role in the design and implementation of Plan Colombia –the most ambitious U.S.-Colombia bilateral program for security and social and economic development- and the extension of trade preferences through the Andean Trade Preferences and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA).
Mr. Orduz is a global leader and policy expert who co-founded the World Coffee Producers Forum in 2016, together with leaders from all coffee producing regions, and serves as its chairperson. He also co-founded American Friends of Fundación Cardioinfantil (USA, New York), to support the Nr. 1 hospital in cardiovascular care for children in Colombia and chaired the Consultative Forum on Coffee Sector Finance of the International Coffee Organization (ICO) in London (U.K.). In the coffee sector, he has served in many boards of directors globally, including the Rainforest Alliance (NL and USA), Global Coffee Platform, GCP (Germany), the Coffee Quality Institute, CQI, (USA)and the National Coffee Association, NCA (USA, New York); he is an expert in U.S. –Colombia relations and currently serves as co-vicechairman of the Advisory Board of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, LatAm Program (USA, Washington D.C.), and is a member of the bipartisan Colombia Task Force for Peace and Prosperityat the Atlantic Council (USA, Washington D.C.).
Mr. Orduz earned a law degree (J.D.) from El Rosario University in Bogotá (1990) and a specialization degree in Finance at Los Andes University in Bogotá (1996 – 1997). He is fluent in Spanish (native), English and German.
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