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Mr. Madhu Bopanna is a third-generation coffee farmer in the state of Karnataka, India for over 35 years and has extensive experience as a Coffee Farm Management Consultant managing nearly 2000 hectares of coffee farms. He is a Managing Partner at Equinox Inc. and was influential in the set-up of a Coffee Procurement Network in India. He has visited several coffee farms and research centres as a Consultant in Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Ethiopia, Mexico, and Brazil.
He has served as a member of the Coffee Private Public Task Force (CPPTF) of the International Coffee Organization (ICO) in two Thematic Work Streams (TWS) regarding Prosperous Living Income and Sustainable Landscapes. Mr. Bopanna was an external contributor for the 4th Edition of the International Coffee Guide published by the International Trade Centre, Geneva in October 2021.
Mr. Bopanna has attended International Coffee Council meetings as a member of PSCB and also as a trustee of the India Coffee Trust in Yamoussoukro, London, Nairobi & Mexico. He has made presentations at several global coffee events regarding the Indian Coffee Sector and the 5th World Coffee Conference at the World Coffee Producers Forum in 2017 and 2019, the Africa and Madagascar Robusta Coffee Agency (ACRAM) conference, and the African Fine Coffee Association (AFCA) Conference.
Mr. Bopanna is a Resource Consultant at the International Trade Center, Geneva and prepared a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the coffee washing stations in Rwanda. He also works as a Resource Consultant for Banco de Desenvolvimento de Angola (BDA), Luanda as Managing Partner of Equinox Inc. and held a webinar with BDA during the pandemic regarding the coffee value chain in Angola.
Additionally, he is a Project Consultant for Mobius Foundation, a trust that works on Relief, Rehabilitation, Agroforestry & Development in India, with special emphasis on Sustainability, Population Control & Education.
Mr. Bopanna has been entrusted with conceptualizing and formulating events at the World Coffee Conference which is to be held at Bengaluru in July 2023.
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